Thursday 23 February 2023
Due to high spam bot activity we had to add additional check for new threads. Now threads are by default in pending for review state and until approval they will not be visible to others beside admin and a thread creator.
Additional news is regarding forum registration that is blocked now. It will be only available via small payment that is going to be introduced soon or by purchasing Extension plugin which creates user account by default. One time fee for creating new account will be $9.99 .

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Appointments page not loading correctly or syncing with Google

Why has Easy Appointments suddenly stopped syncing with Google calendar? It's been working fine for months, but just started acting…

298 views0 answers0 votes
Rickie Lee Ryan asked 1 year ago
PayPal 3d secure

Hello I have a 3d secure issue when using choosing Debit/credit card payment on mobile Safari.  The popup shows but…

315 views0 answers0 votes
Michal asked 1 year ago
Best way to add booking options

Dear Nikola With each of my bookings, I'd like to add the option to book extra items (with an increased…

254 views0 answers0 votes
Geneva Polo Club asked 1 year ago

I hate to ask about something that should probably be very simple but I\'m having trouble understanding statement above that…

265 views0 answers0 votes
markg asked 2 years ago
Connect plugin reminder

Dear Nikola, please can you send over the connect plugin in it's latest version?

438 views0 answers0 votes
Geneva Polo Club asked 2 years ago
Contact plugin update

Dear Nikola, Have sent you an email with all details of my purchase - please send me a link with…

441 views0 answers0 votes
Geneva Polo Club asked 2 years ago

Hi Nikola, first of all, thank you for your amazing work. Since today the calendar stopped working only on mobile, while on…

300 views0 answers0 votes
Andrew asked 2 years ago
Easy Appointments connect (new)

Dear Nikola, apologies for creating a new thread, but I'm not sure you are seeing my answers in the original…

340 views0 answers0 votes
Geneva Polo Club asked 2 years ago
Re-sync with Google Calendar

At the moment I have Service - #name #address appear in Google Calendar.  I have now added #phone is it…

276 views0 answers0 votes
CraigMcKee asked 2 years ago
What's the difference between the reservation email notification and the confirmed one?

In the email templates I am trying to find out what the difference is between the reservation email and confirmation…

274 views0 answers0 votes
lzevon asked 2 years ago
Time issue with booking slots…

Hello,   Slots seem to be blocked before and after expected hours.   In the test below I have booked…

294 views0 answers0 votes
dejan asked 2 years ago
New version & Happy New 2023 Year 🙂

Hi 🙂 there is new version of EasyAppointments 3.11.4 with option to extend your connections in bulk. It is important…

348 views0 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar asked 2 years ago
is this is possible

I have been trying for long time  to make the booked appointment not showing in calendar for new customers. I…

255 views0 answers0 votes
ibrahim asked 2 years ago

HI, when wil be addes this funkction?

443 views0 answers0 votes
Ho asked 2 years ago
after it booked I do not want to be visible for the Customer to see.

yew when customer booked the slot will not show they booked slot any more so no one know this time…

251 views0 answers0 votes
ibrahim asked 2 years ago

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