
Support forumreCaptcha
william_beville Staff asked 4 years ago
Booking Form goes to PayPal payment without reCatchpa box being ticked. See It worked before smart button updates but now does not validate reCatchpa  
william_beville Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola.

The issues has yet to be resolved! Did you forget me?

william_beville Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola.

You wrote:
Hi William, this will be fixed asap.

Best regards,

This is still exists! I can make a booking and payment without the catchpa validation. Its been over 2 months now since you stated it would be fixed but it still persists.

I am facing other issues which also have not been resolved even though you said they would be in the next updates so it seems to me that you have either forgotton me or just ignored me

1 Answers
Best Answer
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi William, this will be fixed asap. Best regards, Nikola
vivek_goel Staff replied 4 years ago

Hello Nikola,

Is this issue resolved?
I am facing the same issue at


william_beville Staff replied 4 years ago

No this issue has not been resolved