Plugin turned blank after I updated the send email name<>

Support forumCategory: QuestionsPlugin turned blank after I updated the send email name<>
Shani asked 2 years ago
All worker - services - connections were all working perfectly. Then I decided to change receive from email name from WordPress to name<> and now nothing is working. The plugin in WP admin is blank. There is nothing on any screen. Blank from Appointments to Vacation in backend. In front end the error is Easy Appointments - Settings validation: You need to define at least one service. There should be at least one Connection. I am so disheartened after working on this plugin to get it working perfectly for 2 days. Now there is nothing. The plugin is totally blank.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Shani, can you please tell me do you have any error inside browser console when you open that blank page? Best regards, Nikola