How can i add worker breakes during the day

Support forumHow can i add worker breakes during the day
roco Staff asked 3 years ago
Hi Nikola. I am testing out the free version with a plan to go pro once the business is up and running. We like this plugin alot With the most up to date release, can i block off certain slots for the month e.g. lunch from 1pm to 2pm? I am sure i can but i just cant see how. Also you mentioned to a previous question a year ago maybe about the adding the ability to send customer email reminders for their appointment. Is this availble or will it be in the short term? Regards & thanks  Roco
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Roco, you can block lunch slots by creating connection that is set to not working during that period. :) Or you can split working time with two connections. For example one connection would cover time 9am-1pm and second will do for 2pm-6pm. Regarding email reminder that is a part of Extension plugin. You can send email reminder for example 2h before appointment and also you have option to send follow up like 2h after appointment. Best regards, Nikola
roco Staff replied 3 years ago

Thanks Nikola! I got it to work as you said by making a new connection (copying the first & adjusting the times for the same worker).
Fyi: for me i could not make the edits on my android phone …the input fields would not allow input from my keyboard except for days of the week. The drop downs did not show any options to select even though i had one working connectiin already in place. Worked fine when i switched to windows laptop.
Thanks again