Help with Paypal Integration

Support forumHelp with Paypal Integration
Mikaela asked 5 years ago
Hi,  I need contact us for some important for me. 1) I would like to know if it is possible, that the payment is made by my worker and that a paypal automatic payment link will arrive so that they (workers) pay me every time an appointment is confirmed automatically. 2) I also need to know if it can be cancelled and confirmed when the customer books, that my worker has the option to accept the appointment or cancel it. How much does it cost to do this? I'd like to be helped, as I want to launch the web in December. Thanks a lot.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Mikaela, you want your workers to pay you. So flow will go like this someone books appointment and then worker receive email link where she/he can do the payment via PayPal? Best regards, Nikola