Grey out booked slots

Support forumGrey out booked slots
Alex H Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi When someone books an appointment slot, the slot immediately prior to also being taken, and I am puzzled as to why. I am assuming that I have done something wrong
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Alex, do you have block before set for those services? Best regards, Nikola
Alex H Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola. Thanks very much for your response.   In Settings > Services > Block Before and Block after are set to 0    
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Alex, can I try booking one appointment?

Best regards,

Alex H Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola. yes of course, its the test site, so no problems.  If need be, I can give you access to the back-end Thanks again for your continued help  
Alex H Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola. Have you managed to get to the bottom of this issue please? very many thanks. Alex

Alex H Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola I thought I would just do an audit of the appointments.    We have a total of 22 slots - 15:100 to 16:45 at 5 minute intervals. On the live website we have 12 slots books: 15:00, 15:05, 15:10, 15:15, 15:20, 15:45, 16:00, 16:15, 16:20, 16:30, 16:35, 16:45 The website is showing 5 slots still available: 15:25, 15:30, 15:35, 15:50, 16:05 Therefore we are missing the slots for: 15:40, 15:55, 16:10, 16:25, 16:40 I have no idea why these are not being displayed, but need to get them back quickly so that people can book them Have you any ideas please? Thanks