Google Calendar Sync Issue

Support forumGoogle Calendar Sync Issue
Ron Centers asked 4 years ago
I have been using Easy Appointment with the Extension for syncing with Google Calendar for over 6 months.  Today, the sync error log started creating the following entries and appointments are NOT being added to the Google Calendar. [2020-12-03 21:35:17.774877] [error] Error while sending Appointment #487 : Error calling POST (400) The specified time range is empty. I have tried deleting my token and creating a brand new Credential on Google.  The Authentication works fine and I am granted access to calendar, but am getting this error.  I have also updated to the latest version of Easy Appointments and Extension.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Ron, you have faulty Appointment inside EA. Please edit that #487 appointment and select time range. Looks like that appointment has duration of 0 minutes. Best regards, Nikola