Editable Full Calendar View

Support forumEditable Full Calendar View
Jason Latona asked 4 years ago
When will the full calendar view be editable? This plugin would be perfect if customers could just edit the appointments from the front end using the full calendar and clicking on the appointment.
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Jason full calendar view is going to be improved a lot. We are planning to add couple of things there, first one will be that you will be able to book directly from calendar appointment. Also to be able to book multiple appointments at once. :) Best regards, Nikola
DragonetDesign Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola, do you have any idea of when this improvement will happen? I really just want to be able to see the appointment when clicked on in the full calendar at the moment.  In the future i would love to be able to edit it from the front end calendar but for now when you use the front end calendar you see the color coded appointments but you cannot click to expand or click to view details. My real question is when will this be available because I am on a time crunch to get my website launched and your plugin is so close to perfect for my application that I really do not want to try another. Thank you, Jason
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Jason, if you are willing to invest some money into that it will speed up things. Regarding that popup details you can only do that if you are logged in as admin? Best regards, Nikola
DragonetDesign Staff replied 4 years ago

I would be more than willing to pay for this plugin if the full calendar at least offered a clickable option to view details about the appointment. It would be amazing if it was editable from the front-end but for now I just really want the customer to be able to see the details for the appointment if they hover or click on the date.

DragonetDesign Staff answered 4 years ago
Has there been any update on getting this feature to function? Like I said all I really need for the time being is a simple pop up that shows the appointments details when the user either hovers or clicks on an appointment time.
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi, that can be done until next Monday but one question can user see all appointments or only what she or he created.

Best regards,

DragonetDesign Staff replied 4 years ago

I would prefer if the user was only able to see what they created.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Ok make sense, but that will require some additional things to implement.

Best regards,

DragonetDesign Staff replied 4 years ago

I understand, just let me know what it will take and how much it will cost.