Description / Information Field

Support forumDescription / Information Field
Joerg K. Staff asked 6 years ago
Hello Nikola,   I like to raise another feature request.   I like to have a description field to locations, workers and services that can be used on the emails to be sent out as well on the forms to describe the corresponding entry. For locations I like to add the travel route and give hints where to park or the meeting point. For the workers a about me so to say and for the services what is included and the options you might have etc.   Many thanks for consideration.   Cheers  Joerg
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Joerg, it will be added to feature list as well. Thanks for the suggestions :) Best regards, Nikola
Joerg K. Staff replied 6 years ago

Thanks a lot Nikola, I appreciate your work.