Cancelling response website

Support forumCancelling response website
cruda Staff asked 7 years ago
When clicking on a cancellation response a new web page is opened. It says "Appointment can't be canceled!" [sic - the spelling of cancelled needs to be fixed]. The appointment is being cancelled though and both the admin and the customer get the correct notification email. Any ideas how this can be fixed? Is the display of this page necessary?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Cruda, are you sure about spelling of cancelled. I am getting an error on spell checker for that one? :) Can you please tell me what is the previous status on that Appointment? Best regards, Nikola
cruda Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nikola,
Cancelled v. canceled is a British / US English issue. Please see my reply to the spelling / typo situation.
I tried it several times and the state of the appointment was always pending. To make matters a little more confusing though I found that on my phone the page stated ‘Appointment canceled’ while on my computer another test appointment resulted in the issue described in my questions.

Many thanks,

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Christoph, you can only once cancel appointment. With second try you will get that message can’t be canceled.