Booking for group sessions

Support forumBooking for group sessions
Albert Boulanger asked 1 year ago
HI, I started to use this plugin and bought the extension but the big roadblock to using it is being able to schedule a group class where there would be a limit to attendees before the time slot would not be available, So unlike the usual behavior, after one booking of a connection (instructor and time slot) would continue to allow bookings till a limit on attendees.
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi Albert you can allow that now. Inside connection settings each connections have option to define slot count so for example you can set number to 10 and it will allow 10 people to book that time slot. Best regards, NIkola
agb Staff replied 1 year ago

Wow thank you! Related to this is the Woo Commerce connect capability. Right now, an EA service name is connected to a Product Name but EA service variations like service duration for the same type of service can conceptually be linked to product variations where one of the Product attributes is the duration.

agb Staff replied 1 year ago

Also, can multiday services (events) be supported? For example, clinics or retreats that can span several days?

agb Staff answered 1 year ago
Thanks for pointing this out. I also have a need for a min slot number to do the price breaks right as we have a semi-private session for 2 people and group distinction for >  2.