Booking confirmation SMS / Email arriving even before payment

Support forumBooking confirmation SMS / Email arriving even before payment
diley_banh asked 4 years ago
I checked this thread: before posting .. Is there an update to this? It seems very counterintuitive. The rating review for twilio is very poor so I do not want to sign up to their services. The reason I love easy appointments is that it is easy and allows for almost seamless automation. The free version is amazing! But I'd like to avoid the pending email begin sent whilst having to approve appointments just to check whether payment has been made. This is the reason I paid for the extension. Is there a way for the system to confirm the appointment (then send emails) only after the payment has been made?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Diley, you can skip pending email/sms if you leave those templates empty. Can you please tell me do you use PayPal form EA or WooCommerce checkout? Best regards, Nikola