Auto generated <%25=%20settings[]%20%25> page with 404 error

Support forumAuto generated <%25=%20settings[]%20%25> page with 404 error
Nann Staff asked 2 years ago
Hi, The plugin autogenerates a <%25=%20settings[]%20%25> page with 404 error on mi site. The problem is with this label: <input id="ea-gdpr" name="gdpr" type="checkbox" data-rule-required="true" data-msg-required=""> <a href="" target="_blank"> Even if I introduce an url on the GPRD section, the auto generated page remains. How can I avoid this? Regards
1 Answers
Nann Staff answered 2 years ago
                                    <input id="ea-gdpr" name="gdpr" type="checkbox" data-rule-required="true"
                                        <a href="" target="_blank">