Overrule time slot by reservation admin for front end user

Support forumOverrule time slot by reservation admin for front end user
feloe Staff asked 6 years ago
Can we overrule in admin page, a reservation, made on a connection day/time, where someone can not make a reservation on frontend.
For example:
A connection on monday from 08:00 am and 08:15 am is set to not active/not working on the time slots. But if necessary, can we make reservation as admin for special occasions. So that there is a possibility by admin to overrule the connection on 08:00 and 08:15 when I do not work?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, there is no such option atm. Only if you are using Extension plugin and create an event inside Google Calendar because you can there set any time you want.
Best regards, Nikola