Woocommerce – How to update quantity field before reaching checkout page

Support forumWoocommerce – How to update quantity field before reaching checkout page
SWATI PARDESHI asked 7 years ago
Hi, I am creating a ticket booking sort of a website, where you can book a slot but instead of just 1 Quantity you can book it for say n Quantity. As per your demo of Woocommerce extension after I associate Service with Product and I click on Submit button for appointment, I am taken to checkout page but it is always showing quantity as "1". I want to change this to a user-defined value. How can I load the page with updated quantity.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, you can't change that via EA only WooCommerce to alter order. But you will have only one Appointment. Thing that you need is multi select for EA but it's not yet implemented. Best regards, Nikola