Unable to progress past picking an appointment time

Support forumUnable to progress past picking an appointment time
Antz Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi, I am unable to get past selecting an appointment time. The box to enter details remained whited out. I have tried every permutation of settings I can, but every permutation allows me to select a time, but then go no further,  please can you help Ant https://cornerhousecakes.co.uk/boo-your-appointment
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Antz, can't see form there :( have you removed it from page? Best regards, Nikola
Antz Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Sorry I changed the URL and forgot to update you https://cornerhousecakes.co.uk/book-your-collection/
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, can you turn option called auto reservation off? Go to EA Settings > Customize page and unmark that field and save. Also one style tip :) please add this to custom styles at same page in Style section:
.ea-bootstrap .disabled .block { z-index: 8!important; }
This will prevent that overlay going over header ;) Best regards, Nikola