[selfhosted] NEw Services, Categories, Workers aren't shown in frontend

Support forum[selfhosted] NEw Services, Categories, Workers aren't shown in frontend
Shanghaitang Staff asked 2 years ago
Hi there,
i'm selfhosting easy!appointments, right now for testpurposes. i isntalled the whole thing 2 weeks ago added one user and one service to see if everythign is alright. And everything worked fine. Today i wanted to add more workers and services and categories. All of it gets stored in the database but it doesn't show up in the frontend when i want to choose it. i dont know why this happens.

already deleted cache fro mthe browser and the installation.

PHP 7.4
easyappoitnemnts 1.4.2
MariaDB 10.0.37

Any hints what could be wrong?
2 Answers
Best Answer
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi, have you created connections for that new worker and services? Best regards, Nikola
Shanghaitang Staff answered 2 years ago
Thank you Nikola, that was really my Problem! Everything works fine now.   Is there any possibility to add a dropdown-menu for the first step?    So that i dont have Server -> Worker but Service -> new menu -> Worker?
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi, it’s hard to change that atm. Those custom dropdown fields need to be at bottom form below calendar. this is not easy to change atm.

Shanghaitang Staff replied 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply.
Ahh damn thats so sad, really wanted to use Easy!Appointments 😀 Thank you anyway.

Hope its in the roadmap that you can customize and add dropdowns 🙂