Plugin Working Inconsistently?

Support forumPlugin Working Inconsistently?
Lakeitra W asked 4 years ago
Hi! I've had this plugin installed on one of my client's website for a few months. It seems to be working (I've tested the website myself many times in a separate browser), but my client called me the other day because it was functioning correctly for her. On her desktop, she couldn't get past choosing the service type. Every other field stayed grayed out and the calendar unclickable. Of course, normally, you choose the service type, the employee, the date/time, and then every other field opens up to be filled in. However, for her, nothing would open up past choosing the service type. Would there be any reason why this would occur? Why the system would work for me on both desktop and mobile and not work for another person? (I attached the video example that my client sent me...sorry that it's grainy, but it will give you an idea of what's going on) [Video] I'd appreciate any help or suggestion. Thanks in advance!