PayPal smart button does not show button title for credit card option when using android chrome.

Support forumPayPal smart button does not show button title for credit card option when using android chrome.
carlos_lima Staff asked 4 years ago
PayPal smart button does not show button title for credit card option when using android chrome. In android chrome, it shows only a black button below the paypal button, no matter the size of the button you choose. Also, the responsive version of the button seems small to allow selection between PayPal and credit card
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, can you please share link to that page? PayPal button is show by their JS script that is imported, need to see what is actually going on there. Best regards, Nikola
carlos_lima Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello Mr Loncar,  Thank your for your reply. When I open Easy Appointments demo page for PayPal Smart button, the title on the credit card black bar does not show when  I use android chrome browser (see attached screen capture from my phone). On the other hand, It does show when I use windows chrome (please see atached screen from my computer). The same happens in my sandbox testing. Kind regards and thank you!