Paypal Button Missing

Support forumPaypal Button Missing
simon_wang Staff asked 7 months ago
Hi, I set up Paypal, but when I enable smart button or use debit or credit card, the button disappear. Please help.
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 months ago
Hi Simon, can you please open browser console and check if there is any error message when that occurs?   Best regards, Nikola 
simon_wang Staff answered 7 months ago
Hi, It is good in safari browser, but not shown in Chrome and edge. Thanks,
simon_wang Staff answered 6 months ago
Hi Nikola, I also have a question, can we only setup one service or location has a function that cannot make an appointment before 24 hours, now it is global control. Thanks
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 months ago

Hi Simon, you can add block time inside EA Settings under Date & Time section.

Best regards,