
Support forumno-more-emails
Jackie asked 6 years ago
Good day,  when I set this up i was getting the emails, and it just stopped working, please can you tell me what it wants as I don\'t know what more to do.  Below is the errors I\'m getting and under that is the form completed. ------------ ERROR #2 ------------ TYPE: MAILERRORS: {\"wp_mail_failed\":[\"You must provide at least one recipient email address.\"]}ERRORS_DATA: {\"wp_mail_failed\":{\"to\":[\"\"],\"subject\":\"Appointment Request\",\"message\":\"<p>Good day,<\\/p>\\n<p>Thank you for making an appointmentyour appointment is confirmed.<\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Meeting with Desir\\u00e9 Mc Donald<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>January 16, 2019<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>11:00 am to 12:00 pm<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong><\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>Kind Regards<\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Jackie Turner<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Business Development Consultant<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>T:<\\/strong> +27 (11) 787 9999 | <strong>C:<\\/strong> +27 (61) 208 9623<\\/p>\\n<p><a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a> | <a href=\\\"http:\\/\\/\\/\\\"><\\/a><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Your Talent Architects in Succession Planning | Talent Mapping | Search<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>LEVEL 1 &ndash; BEE Status <\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>A Division of EOH Holdings<\\/p>\",\"headers\":[],\"attachments\":[],\"phpmailer_exception_code\":2}}---------- ERROR #2 END ---------- ------------ ERROR #1 ------------TYPE: MAILERRORS: {\"wp_mail_failed\":[\"You must provide at least one recipient email address.\"]}ERRORS_DATA: {\"wp_mail_failed\":{\"to\":[\"\"],\"subject\":\"Appointment Request\",\"message\":\"<p>Good day,<\\/p>\\n<p>Thank you for booking a tentative meeting, Jackie will call you to confirm your appointment date and time.<\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Meeting with&nbsp;Desir\\u00e9 Mc Donald<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>January 16, 2019<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>11:00 am&nbsp; to 12:00 pm<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong><\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\n<p>Kind Regards<\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Jackie Turner<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Business Development Consultant<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>T:<\\/strong> +27 (11) 787 9999 | <strong>C:<\\/strong> +27 (61) 208 9623<\\/p>\\n<p><a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a> | <a href=\\\"http:\\/\\/\\/\\\"><\\/a><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>Your Talent Architects in Succession Planning | Talent Mapping | Search<\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p><strong>LEVEL 1 &ndash; BEE Status <\\/strong><\\/p>\\n<p>A Division of EOH Holdings<\\/p>\",\"headers\":[],\"attachments\":[],\"phpmailer_exception_code\":2}}---------- ERROR #1 END ---------- #email# Good day #name# Details: Date: #date# Time: #start#, #end# Location: #meeting-address# Meeting With: #worker_name# Thank you for requesting an meeting.  Jackie will be in touch soon to confirm your appointment.   Kind Regards Jackie Turner Business Development Consultant 011 787 9999 / 061 208 9623   previously when I tested it this is the email I got: Id 5 Status confirmed Location Meeting Address Service Introduction to Cortez Services Worker Desiré Mc Donald Date January 17, 2019 Start 12:00 pm End 1:00 pm Created 2019-01-05 14:25:30 Price 0.00 IP Name Tanya Surname Ramlagan EMail Phone (012) 450 4113 Company Name Jaguar / Landrover Position Director Meeting Address Jaguar / Landrover - Irene
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Looks like TO field is empty. Do you have custom field called email? Best regards, Nikola