Google Calendar doesn’t sync back to EA

Support forumGoogle Calendar doesn’t sync back to EA
alex.seidanis Staff asked 1 year ago
Hello, the EA plugin & extension on seems to be syncing appointments TO Google Calendar but doesn't sync back FROM it. If I add an event on the GC, that doesn't block EA from booking appointments on that time span, as it should.
Note: the wp-cron.php is called by the server twice every hour. During my tests, I've been running it manually after every tweak, to no avail.
Here are some screenshots. I'd appreciate your assistance, please.  
21 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi, can you please open Reports [OLD] page and fill those service/location/worker to check how many slots are there? By looking at screenshots sync cron looks like working fine so it must be due to settings. Best regards, Nikola
alex.seidanis Staff answered 1 year ago

Here\'s a screenshot:

The 18th and the 19th should be totally unavailable.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi Alex, there is no synced events back on 18. Can you check appointments page for events in EA on that day? Best regards, Nikola
alex.seidanis Staff answered 1 year ago
Nikola, the entire working day on the 18th and the 19th was set as "busy" in Google Calendar, so EA should "see" those days as unavailable and not allow any appointments to be booked. That's the whole point of this ticket; please see the screenshots I sent.
alex.seidanis Staff answered 1 year ago
I'd really appreciate any assistance with this issue, please.
cams Staff answered 1 year ago
Did you manage to fix the problem? I'm having the same issue since the last EA update, Looking forward for an answer Nikola, Thanks in advnace
Charlotte Bax Staff answered 1 year ago
Am also waiting for this to work!
cams Staff answered 1 year ago
Hello Nikola, please give us at least an answer if this issue is been considered for a fix It is very annoying to go to wordpress backend everytime i want to modify my agenda...   Thanks in advance
cams Staff replied 1 year ago

Meanwhile seems there is no other alternative to roll back to an older version

Charlotte Bax Staff replied 1 year ago

@cams Please share what version?

alex.seidanis Staff answered 1 year ago
Nikola? Are you still alive?
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi Alex, yes sorry for waiting. I was not able to reproduce it locally. Can you please send me the log file from that EA Extension Google settings page? Best regards, Nikola
cams Staff replied 1 year ago

Mine only generates empty google_sync.log

alex.seidanis Staff answered 1 year ago
It's 64MB, please provide an email address and I'll send it to you via wetransfer.
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 1 year ago


alex.seidanis Staff answered 1 year ago
It's been well over a month now and the author's responses are rare, hasty and inefficient. Nikola, I now require a full refund for at least the one installation that you failed to provide support for. I will never ever use this or any other plugin or piece of software of yours. Being busy and slow is understandable, but dude, you seriously make m think you're on my competitors' payroll. Shame. 
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi, sorry for waiting time :( but issue is that we still have a struggle with spamming bots on our servers. Posting random stuff that needs to be removed. Due to those posts real threads get moved a lot and it is hard to track everything. Best regards, Nikola
cams Staff answered 1 year ago
@alex.seidanis Hey Alex, did you ever manage to solve this problem?
alex.seidanis Staff replied 12 months ago

Sadly, no.

alex.seidanis Staff answered 12 months ago
Nikola, how about that refund?
giuseppe_scopelliti Staff answered 12 months ago

hi, i have the same issue. in the last few weeks the gcalendar doesn't sync back. If I book an appointment manually on the calendar, the plugin doens't see it and leave the slot open to book for anyone on the website

alex.seidanis Staff replied 12 months ago

Don’t expect a solution from the author, he’s been ignoring me for 3+months.
Switch to Amelia, it works flawlessly.

giuseppe_scopelliti Staff replied 12 months ago

thx, i’ll check that

giuseppe_scopelliti Staff replied 12 months ago

i’m tring amelia, but i have the same issue.

alex.seidanis Staff replied 11 months ago

In that case, you probably have misconfigured the API on Google Cloud Console. You might want to revisit that.

Charlotte Bax Staff answered 12 months ago
Nikola, can you please prioritize solving this particular issue?
ernesto_parisii Staff answered 8 months ago
same issue here, has anybody got a solution for this? 
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 months ago
Hi @ernesto, can you please provide more details?   Best regards, Nikola
ernesto_parisii Staff answered 8 months ago
Yes. EA syncs form the plugin towards google calender but not backwards. In other words, whenever i create an Appointment on google calendrer which interferierest with one slot of a service. people can still book the same slot on was not like that before...   Or when i delete an appointment in Google Calender which was created n EA and synced to does not remove the booking in EA I can't tell you exactly since when this happens but there were no changes from my side.   any ideas? cheers ernesto
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 months ago
@ernesto In order to have sync back you need to create advance sync option mappings. That means to connect each Google Calendar with exact EA service, location and worker. Also you need to have cron job active and running for WordPress.
cams Staff replied 8 months ago

Im getting this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in /home/u819262070/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/u819262070/domains/ implode()
#1 /home/u819262070/domains/ EACGoogle_Http_REST::createRequestUri()
#2 /home/u819262070/domains/ EACGoogle_Service_Resource->call()
#3 /home/u819262070/domains/ EACGoogle_Service_Calendar_Events_Resource->listEvents()
#4 /home/u819262070/domains/ EAC_Google_Event_Helper->get_events()
#5 /home/u819262070/domains/ EACGoogleCron->pull_events()
#6 /home/u819262070/domains/ EAC_Google_Logic->google_sync()
#7 /home/u819262070/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#8 /home/u819262070/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#9 /home/u819262070/domains/ do_action_ref_array()
#10 {main}
thrown in /home/u819262070/domains/ on line 173