full calendar: there was an error while fetching events!

Support forumfull calendar: there was an error while fetching events!
theferos Staff asked 3 years ago
Getting error on full calendar.
Page is private. Did also test the option to make it public, but no result. Plugin version: 3.5.9
6 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, you need to allow access inside EA Settings. Set it to public access in order to get those events in calendar. Best regards, Nikola
theferos Staff replied 3 years ago

Same problem after checking that option.

theferos Staff answered 3 years ago
error log:   [Thu Dec 02 16:18:25.947127 2021] [fastcgi:error] [pid 8634:tid 140568793421568] [client 2a02:a420:4f:731a:48de:8c82:fa8d:ad69:46270] FastCGI: server "/var/run/php80-cgi/php-cgi" stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "worker" in /www/wp-content/plugins/easy-appointments/src/api/apifullcalendar.php on line 145,
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, can you please copy paste here shortcode values that you set for that fullcalendar widget? Best regards, Nikola
theferos Staff answered 3 years ago
[ea_full_calendar location="1" time_format="H:mm" default_view="basicWeek" week_header_format="DD MMM Y" column_header_format="DD MMM"]
theferos Staff answered 3 years ago
[ea_full_calendar location="1" time_format="H:mm" default_view="basicWeek" week_header_format="DD MMM Y" column_header_format="DD MMM"]
theferos Staff answered 3 years ago
Ok, LOL without [ ] ea_full_calendar location="1" time_format="H:mm" default_view="basicWeek" week_header_format="DD MMM Y" column_header_format="DD MMM"