Email reminders

Support forumEmail reminders
mohamad_khattab Staff asked 4 months ago
Hi Nikola, 

i want to express my disappointment regarding the lack of support we\'ve received despite purchasing the pro version and Support forum access plans. Unfortunately, our questions have been ignored, which is quite frustrating therefore i am no longer sure sure about renewing our subscription with that support. The great work you have done in this plugin, deserves better support.
The issue is so simple.
the \"Send to\" options in the reminder section is set to customer and employee. The reminders are successfully being sent to customers but our employees are not receiving any reminders for appointments. Could you please assist us to solve this problem?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 months ago
Hi, sorry to hear that :( will check that during the day and let you know. Best regards, Nikola
mohamad_khattab Staff replied 4 months ago

Hi Nikola,

I haven’t heard from you, do you have an answer regarding my question?