Delete multiple appointments at once, or other solution

Support forumDelete multiple appointments at once, or other solution
richard_geurtsen Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi Nikola, I found a request on this from 3 years back. Any development on this? I synced my GCAL to EA and now I have 1,000s of appointments blocking available time slots!  Any solution instead of deleting them one-by-one that will cost me weeks!? B.r., Richard.
2 Answers
richard_geurtsen Staff answered 4 years ago
FYI: I see 24,000 appointments! I prefer not reinstalling the plugin. I deleted all appointments from GCAL. That were actually available time slots. But all appointments remain in EA.
richard_geurtsen Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola, Never mind. I solved this problem.  I went to settings > services Then I deleted the service associated with all the appointments and built both services and connections again. Now, all appointments dissapeared!