Cron background tasks are not running properly

Support forumCron background tasks are not running properly
Lois asked 5 years ago
Followed your instructions 'connect-system-scheduler-cron/' and all accepted. Get notification in EA Connect 'Your Cron background tasks are not running properly! Last cron run was on September 27, 2019 5:46 am and it should run on every 5 minutes!'  Same notification when i changed time to 15 mins and then back to 5. I have changed it in EA Connect both times to the same mins. So when i book a time in google calendar - that is one of the available times in EA, it doesn't sync & show as unavailable in the booking form on the website. Thanks.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Lois, some hosting block cron Execution that is on interval less then 15 minutes. I will change it to 15 and leave it for some time. For example wait for half hour to see if notification is still there. If you want I can take a look at cron settings, just create private Thread. Best regards, Nikola