Change "green" color for not selectable day

Support forumChange "green" color for not selectable day
Marcel asked 5 years ago
I would like to change this very light green color for the non selectable days in the calendar.  Could someone please tell me how I can change this color into a dark grey color for example.  green color to be changed to grey
2 Answers
michael_hofmeister Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, this is very simple. Go to "Plugins" and klick on "Plugin-Editor". On the next, choose "EasyAppointment" on the right upper corner. Then select on the right side "Css" and the File "eafront-bootstrap.css". Then go to Line 255 where you can find the following code:
.ea-bootstrap .ui-datepicker .no-slots, .ea-bootstrap .ui-datepicker .no-slots:hover {
color: #fff;
cursor: default;

Now you can change "background-color:" to following Value for Dark-Grey: 
  • Hex: #A9A9A9
  • RGB: rgb(169,169,169,0.5) 
On RGB you could change the transparency with the last named Number (0.5). Max Value is 1.0 for "no-transparency". After you changed this, reload your Page with "Strg + F5".  Have fun with the new color :)
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Michael, thanks for help 🙂

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Michael wrote good solution for that one :) Best regards, Nikola