Appointments only show after being booked twice.

Support forumAppointments only show after being booked twice.
b33t Staff asked 7 years ago
Hello, i have just installed easy appointments, they only appear in the calendar after being booked twice. if i check in the admin panel they say "Confirmed" . If i then go and book the same appointment again it shows on the calendar and appears in the admin panel twice. 
b33t Staff replied 7 years ago

here is the URL so you can test it

b33t Staff replied 7 years ago

Further to ther previous it only appears to occur to the “Minecraft VR” reservations the others work fine.

5 Answers
Best Answer
b33t Staff answered 7 years ago
Anyone with this issue, removing the app and reinstalling fixed this problem  
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi,   I will have to check that one sounds strange that is doing that for “Minecraft VR” and not for the others. Can you send me the screen shot of Services settings?   Best regards, Nikola
b33t Staff replied 7 years ago

b33t Staff answered 7 years ago
Okay in an attempt to fix it, i remade all the services, now it is doing it with "Everest VR" but "minecraft vr" works.  
b33t Staff answered 7 years ago
Okay i will uninstall and try reinstalling to see if that fixes the problem  
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for the update, I am not sure what was wrong there. Because settings looked fine. :) I will keep an eye on this. Best regards, Nikola