Appointment canceled immediately after confirmation

Support forumAppointment canceled immediately after confirmation Staff asked 5 years ago
We have a problem I don't understand. Immediately after a reservation is confirmed and the confirmation email has been send the reservation is cancelled and a reservation cancelled email is send. The email log shows a time interval of 9 secs between the two mails. It seems not to happen always and the odd thing is I am not able to reproduce this myself. What can be going on here?  
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, is that on users side. Sometimes mail servers can open links from email just to check what is there and trigger such actions. That can be the case if both actions are triggered at same time.   Best regards, Nikola Staff answered 5 years ago
Yes it is on users side. I did already suppose something like that. I removed the cancel link and the problem seems to be solved now.
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 5 years ago

Do you use MS Outlook or similar thing from Microsoft?

davidsacramento Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem but I don’t see any cancel link in the emails that the system is sending to the users. Where can I disable the cancel option in the plugin settings?


davidsacramento Staff replied 4 years ago

I shouldn’t update the plugin. Now it is a total disaster. Now we are receiving 3 emails for each appointment and it is impossible to disable the links on the emails. Where in the code I can delete those links?? In mail.php I deleted this ones:

$links[‘#link_cancel#’] = $this->generate_link_element($raw_data, ‘cancel’, __(‘Cancel appointment’, ‘easy-appointments’));
$links[‘#link_confirm#’] = $this->generate_link_element($raw_data, ‘confirm’, __(‘Confirm appointment’, ‘easy-appointments’));

$links[‘#url_cancel#’] = $this->generate_url($raw_data, ‘cancel’);
$links[‘#url_confirm#’] = $this->generate_url($raw_data, ‘confirm’);

But emails are not sending with that change.

davidsacramento Staff replied 4 years ago

I deleted the lines on the Template. I will not update the plugin again. Always is a headache after any update. Thanks