GCal sync back – 1 mintue over timeslot

Support forumGCal sync back – 1 mintue over timeslot
Tom Hanoldt asked 7 years ago
Hello, i experience an issue with syncing back from gmail calendar. The entry in gmail calneder id from 12-18 and the bookable blocks are 3 x 2hours, the frontend tells, that the block from 16 to 18 is free.  When I change the range in gmail calendar from 12-18:01 it recognizes the last slot as taken. So I think there is a rounding issue or something? Thanks for your effort.   King regards Tom  
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Tom, that should not be the case. Even if there is one minute into Slot time it should be taken. Can you please check if the time is right when appointments are synced back from GC to EA? Are those Appointments from 12-18h synced back with right times? Best regards, Nikola
tom.hanoldt Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nikola,

thanks for quick response.

Sync back works perfectly, I also checked timezones and after that I tried the one minute thing.

I checked again and did screenshots: https://www.tomhanoldt.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/eap-1-minute-sync.png

If I can help anything, tell me.

Best regards,


Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Tom, after checking that link everything looks fine. You have connection that is set from 12-20h that is reason why there is slot from 18-20h free :) Best regards, Nikola
tom.hanoldt Staff replied 7 years ago

oh sorry, I got you …my fault =(

Thank you much and thanks you for your effort.

Best regards,
